Introduction by Amy Klatzkin
I. Getting Ready: Preparing Children and Families for the Trip
Facing Fears and Empowering Children - Before the Trip
Debra Jacobs
A Homeland Tour Preparation Primer: Practical Preparation Tips, Ideas and Projects
Iris Culp
Preparing Children for a Return Trip
Serena Fan
Before You Pack: Developmental Considerations in Planning a Heritage Trip
Ellen Pinderhughes, Ph.D. and
Richard Pinderhughes, Psy.D.
The Art of Chinese Gift Giving
Iris Chin Ponte, Ph.D.
Travel Medicine: Preparing for Homeland Trips
Laurie Miller, M.D.
Back to Where it All Began: A Consultation and Therapeutic Model for Family and Country Connections Post-Adoption
Joyce Maguire Pavao, Ed.D., L.C.S.W., L.M.F.T.
II. Choosing Group or Independent Travel
The Group Travel Experience
Andrea Williams
On Our Own: Adventures in Independent Travel
Debra Jacobs
The Independent Travel Option: Unexpected Joys and Complexities of a Personalized Adoption Journey
David Youtz
III. Making Connections in China
Roots and Routes: A Narrative in Belonging
Sheena Macrae
Six Degrees of Separation: Nurturing Networks and Creating Connections in China
Robin Carton
Experiencing Life in Rural China
Susan Beth Morgan
Heritage Trips for Two Generations
J. Meimei Ma
IV. The Heart of the Matter: Visiting the Orphanage, Finding Site and Foster Family
Walking My Baby Back Home: Traveling Back to China with My Daughters
Bonnie Ward
A Rock and a Hard Place
History, Pride, Self-Confidence: What My Daughter Learned in China
Sandra E. Lundy
Through the Crucible: A Difficult Orphanage Visit Somehow Eases the Pain of Loss
Walking Down the Village Path
Jane Liedtke, Ph.D.
Out and About in China - Or Not: Making the Decision About How to Present Our Family at the Orphanage
There's No Place Like Home
Mitchell Klein, with contributions from Lee Klein
My Second Trip of a Lifetime
Rose A. Lewis
V. Traveling with Children Who Face Emotional Challenges
Good Intentions, Difficult Consequences
Jane Samuel
Traveling With a Traumatized Child
VI. Primary Sources: Adoptees' Own Experience of Returning to China
Three on the Road in South China
Lorena GuiFeng Lyon
Returning Home: Step by Step
Jenna Cook
Coming Full Circle
Stephanie W.
Good Night Moon, Goodnight Mom
Jennifer Bao Yu "Precious Jade" Jue-Steuck
VII. Extending the Trip: Living in China Temporarily
Making the Homeland "Home"
Dawn Faulkner Schmokel
Six Months in China: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Anne Donohue
Living Behind the Great Wall
Marion Radin
VIII. Home Again: Lasting Impact of the Trip
What the Children Have Taught Me
Jane A. Brown, M.S.W.
"Owning a Little Piece of China"
Phyllis Pincus
IX. Thoughts for Further Inquiry: What the Research Tells Us
Chinese Views on International Adoption
Tony Xing Tan, Ed.D. and Xiaohui Fan, Ph.D.
Searching for Origins: Parent and Child Perspectives on Return Trips to China
Iris Chin Ponte, Ph.D., Leslie Kim Wang, Ph.D. candidate and Serena Fan